English Unit In-House Training: ELT Material Selection & Adaptation8 April 2009, 9AM-12PM
Topics & speakers:1.
ProPEER by Zaherah Abd Rahim
ELT Material Selection & Adaptation by Atlas Besik Niyo
ESL Material Adaptation: Reading & Writing by Visita Bongot
Facilitators:Mahid Masseluang & Nurafida Ahmad

Authentic materials constitute texts or visual materials not built for English learning. Its utilization in language teaching is crucial as to empower students' readiness for the real-world English usage. Atlas and Visita presented topics that supported this method in an in-house workshop on Wednesday at Bilik Tayangan.
ProPEER, a newly designed all-year programme to cultivate healthy peer-sharing and peer-learning were introduced by first speaker, Zaherah. Mentors and mentorees as she called it, will be initiating meetings and discussions among themselves to handle issues from lesson plans to teaching and personalities to perfecting the imperfections; within the professional framework.
In between sessions, an intermission of Megat's teaching video which is to be sent to BMKPM was also done despite the facility's challenged auditory and video capacity.
Several issues were brought forth in this almost 3-hour workshop. Among others, second speaker Atlas showed the outlines of
a. Factors to consider in material selection and adaptation for ELT
b. Features of effective materials
c. Examples of Listening and Speaking activities
Consequently, Visita ends the session with her sample texts which focused on reading and writing. 12 techniques of authentic material adaptations were also shared.
Durian cakes are not authentically durian and this challenges
status-quo. Even the culinary world evolves over time. Think evolution can make its way to our classes through authentic materials? How many slices of durian cakes would you want to go with that thought?
Photos: Azzaliza Arob